Hee Haw was a CBS variety show featuring country music and humor. The show was centered on country music, and (initially) was co-hosted by musicians Buck Owens and Roy Clark. Ray Charles played Don't Change On Me, an untitled interlude with the studio band, and Crying Time (as a duet, with Buck Owens, its composer) in episode 3 of the second season of Hee Haw, on 29 September 1970. Later that year, on 1 December (season 2, show #11) Ray was on again. He played You Don't Know Me, and did a duet on Together Again with Buck Owens.
In December 1980 Ray Charles, Roy Clark and Buck Owens taped an episode (to be aired on March 14, 1981; season 13, show #25) of Hee Haw where Ray performed Take These Chains From My Heart, an excellent duet version of I've Got A Woman with Roy Clark, Jealous Heart (with Buck Owens and Roy Clark) and Makin' Believe. It was the first and only time that I know of that he did Jealous Heart. Source here.
See this for context. A documentary photo set can be seen here.
See this for context. A documentary photo set can be seen here.
Episode 2.3 was part of the box The Complete Hee Haw 13 DVD Collection, and the 14-DVD box Hee Haw - The Collector's Edition, both released by Time Life, s.a.
It's unclear to me if episode 2.11 was ever released (the video below was captured from a rerun by RFD-TV).
It's unclear to me if episode 2.11 was ever released (the video below was captured from a rerun by RFD-TV).
Season 2, episode 3 (Sep. 29, 1970):
Season 2, episode 11 (Dec. 1, 1970):
Season 2, episode 11 (Dec. 1, 1970):
1981 - Take These Chains From My Heart:
Ray Charles and Buck Owens (clipping from Jet, 22 January 1981). |
Buck Owens and Ray Charles on the cover of Song Hits (Jan. 1971). |
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