Back Home was a tv show centered around John Schneider, that aired on 24 September 1980. It was set up as a musical tribute to the state of Georgia (cf. feature newspaper article here).
From IMDb review:
"[...] It started off with John driving the General Lee down a dirt road and dropping it off at the studio garage because he would be gone for a while, "going back home". He then took his rental car to a fairgrounds in his home state. Somehow along the way he bumped into Ray Charles (who sang Georgia) and Barbara Mandrell and sang songs with them, giving his usual Bo Duke enthusiasm the whole time. When the hour was over, he drove back to the studio to pick up the General again where he drove back down that same dirt road again. [...]"
A contemporary newspaper TV page clearly suggested that Schneider and Charles did a duet: the protagonist "[...] follows the music to one of [Madison's] mansions, and finds Ray Charles at the piano. He sits with him and together they sing Georgia On My Mind."
And here it is:
From IMDb review:
"[...] It started off with John driving the General Lee down a dirt road and dropping it off at the studio garage because he would be gone for a while, "going back home". He then took his rental car to a fairgrounds in his home state. Somehow along the way he bumped into Ray Charles (who sang Georgia) and Barbara Mandrell and sang songs with them, giving his usual Bo Duke enthusiasm the whole time. When the hour was over, he drove back to the studio to pick up the General again where he drove back down that same dirt road again. [...]"
A contemporary newspaper TV page clearly suggested that Schneider and Charles did a duet: the protagonist "[...] follows the music to one of [Madison's] mansions, and finds Ray Charles at the piano. He sits with him and together they sing Georgia On My Mind."
And here it is:
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