Clipping from Jet,
27 March 2000.
A running joke of the evening was when Charles misspoke several times, saying it was for the Rhythm and Blues Hall of Fame. "Ray Charles [...] tore up the Waldorf when he admitted that he 'tried to steal Nat Cole's voice. I even tried to steal his piano - he wouldn't let me, but I tried,'" an other newspaper reported.
Ray sang Nature Boy. The AP archive has a 5 minute show biz news item, dated 9 March 2000, covering part of this performance, and a testimonial on Nat Cole by Ray.
At least a part of Ray's performance was filmed (archived by AP). The song was released on Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Volume 6: 2000 - 2001 (Time-Life, 2012l; available as download).
Nat King Cole, Nature Boy:
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