
23 November 2010

Ray Charles Interviewed By Roy Leonard For WGN Radio (1975)

Leonard and Charles, from a Chicago Tribune wire photo.
"Hello, from Chicago." During his 31 years at WGN Roy Leonard was a host (on radio) and (on tv) an arts critic. He reputedly read the book before he interviewed the author, saw every major movie and play, and attended concerts regularly.
He did interviews with many of the biggest names in entertainment during the three decades (1967 - 1998) of his program.
Roy - not as thoroughly prepared as otherwise - visited with Ray Charles at a gig in Chicago (from which we hear a small part of the concert opening with the Ray Charles Orchestra). In The Ray Charles Special - with all the usual statements from Ray - Roy surfs through some of Charles' hits. Oddly, Ray answers a few questions in the pluralis majestatis. The result was broadcast on 22 July 1975.

I have listened to 1h5m copy. An article in the Chicago Defender (July 22) announced the program as a 2-hour show.

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