
27 October 2014

Mississippi Mud

Album: Album: Genius Hits the Road, ABC/Paramount 335, 1960-07.

Recorded at the Capitol Studios in New York on 29 March 1960.

'Arranged and conducted by Ralph Burns', according to the liner notes. In reality, the tune was probably charted by Bob Brookmeyer.

With John Hunt, Marcus Belgrave, Martin Banks - trumpet; David Newman - tenor saxophone, Hank Crawford - alto saxophone, Leroy Cooper - baritone saxophone; Milt Turner - drums; Edgar Willis - bass.

(Track #4):

Leverkusen 1993:

Remarkably, the tune turned up in playlists in 1961 (as published in souvenir programs of the time), but then it took Ray 36 years to 'find it back'.

'87 TV TS
'87 LC Antibes
'88 LC Masson
'88 LC Saratoga
'89 LC Paris - 2x
'89 LC Osaka
'90 LC ArtPark
'90 LC Antibes
'90 LC Lloret
'90 LC Dresden BB
'90 LC Italy
'90 LC Rome
'90 LC Tokyo
'91 LC BlueNote
'92 LC Antibes
'93 LC Leverkusen
'93 LC Newport
'94 LC ValleyForge
'94 LC Moscow
'95 LC Greenville
'95 LC Tramps - 2x
'95 LC Marciac
'96 LC London
'96 LC Lugano
'97 LC WolfTrap
'97 LC Saratoga
'97 LC Northsea
'97 LC Montreux - Released
'99 LC Glasgow
'00 LC Basel
'02 LC Pasadena

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