The 1987 Lifetime Grammys were presented in a two-hour show, aired on 9 December 1987 by CBS. The program was recorded on 5 November at the Mark Hellinger Theater on Broadway, directed by Walter C. Miller, overseen by Dionne Warwick and Beverly Sills as hosts.
The first ever Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award Show added 6 stars to the Grammys' LTA awards list: Roy Acuff, Benny Carter, Ray Charles, Fats Domino, B.B. King and Isaac Stern. The honorees performed "with those artists they have inspired and influenced". Also see this.
Baby, It’s Cold Outside (with Dionne Warwick):
Promo for the TV show:
The first ever Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award Show added 6 stars to the Grammys' LTA awards list: Roy Acuff, Benny Carter, Ray Charles, Fats Domino, B.B. King and Isaac Stern. The honorees performed "with those artists they have inspired and influenced". Also see this.
Baby, It’s Cold Outside (with Dionne Warwick):
Promo for the TV show:
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