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11 October 2014

Then We'll Be Home (Sadies Tune)

Album: Renaissance, Crossover 9005, June 1975.
Single (B): Crossover/Atlantic 981, July 1975, b/w Living For The City.

The album was recorded in late 1974 and early 1975 at RPM International in Los Angeles.

With The Ray Charles Orchestra, on a few tracks also with some alumni of the band and other session musicians. The band members were: Jeff Conrad, Bob Coassin, Phil Guilbeau, Jack Evans - trumpets; Wally Huff, Ken Tussing, Glen Childress, Steve Davis - trombones; Andy Ennis, Clifford Solomon, Ed Pratt, James Clay - saxophones; Leroy Cooper - baritone saxophone, band leader; John Bryant - drums; Joe Harris - bass; Tony Matthews - guitar; Ernest Vantrease - keyboards. Arranged by Roger Neumann.

On the album cover of Renaissance the title of the song is Then We'll Be Home. Ray sings "Then I'll be home", and that (probably correct) title is also on the vinyl's label. Through the years, band members only knew the song as Sadies Tune. The composer of the original theme actually was called Sadye Shepard (so Sadye's Tune would be the hypercorrect orthography).
In the the interview section of the 1997 Montreux concert DVD Ray shared his own story on the origin of the song (unfortunately, not longer on YouTube).

Complete album (this is track #2):

'84 LC Warsaw (#6):

'75 LC Japan - Released
'76 TV TS
'76 LC Antibes
'76 LC Stuttgart
'76 TV Peterson
'77 TV Heart
'78 LC Antibes
'79 LC Antibes
'79 LC Viareggio
'81 LC Prague
'81 LC Rome
'82 TV Woody
'82 LC Beacon
'84 LC Warsaw
'86 LC Lugano
'86 LC Toyohashi
'87 LC Antibes
'87 LC Boston
'88 LC Saratoga
'89 LC Paris
'90 LC Antibes
'90 LC Tokyo
'91 LC BlueNote
'91 LC Milan
'92 LC Antibes
'93 LC Newport
'93 LC Leverkusen
'94 LC ValleyForge
'94 LC Moscow
'95 LC Deauville
'95 LC Tramps
'96 LC Lugano
'97 LC WolfTrap
'97 LC Saratoga
'97 LC Northsea
'97 LC Montreux
'99 LC NewOrleans NM
'99 LC Glasgow
'99 LC Rheingau
01 LC Waterloo
02 LC Pasadena
02 LC NewJersey
03 DM Downtown

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